Friday, February 27, 2009


yesterday: wet but not too cold... after all the rain, the snow was completely melted for the first time in a while... and at least one group of flowers popped up.

today: brutally cold with grainy sideways-blowing snow flecks.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

look at the fuzzy things!

this is my squirrel friend,

and this is my kitty friend

Friday, February 20, 2009

music people should listen to:

thought i'd take a few minutes to benefit humanity by making known some of music i've been listening to lately. after all, i have the best taste in the world...

starting now

lai bu ji

far far

i recently fell in love with the new sound was much harder to find a downloadable version than i expected. of course i was eventually successful.

more news

didn't get into Georgetown, am wait-listed for Duke. -It seems doubtful to me that I'll get a place at Duke, but, oh well, not the end of the world. I only really applied there because they waved the application fee. It's a better school than UT, but would cost about 3x as much. I'm not so sure that it would be a good deal. ...once grandma Dorthy closes her purse my high-flying, i-can-go-to-the-most-expensive-school-no-sweat days will be over. Oh my carefree youth, how quickly she has passed.... that is, if one could call living in apartment where the ceiling leaks, drinking the 4 6-packs for $20 beer, and eating mostly eggs, rice, and tortillas "high-flying." Its my own fault, I just love to shop too much:

Shana Logic


Plastic Land

Mod Cloth

Pinup Girl

Chick Downtown

...and many, many more. it's not fair, there's just too much beautiful clothing in the world. I should be entitled to it all.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

so useful!

so this site sure is informative... now i know, in billions, in which of 8 categories stimulus money will be spent! and after learning more i now know into what color floating circle the billions are being divided! i am so totally reassured by this ability to know, down to such detail, what the government is doing to fix the economy. and i'm so pleased that wall street agrees that having the same data presented in three different views builds such confidence.

... seriously, i'm sure the site (and more importantly the plan, of course) will improve. hopefully quickly. i trust you Obama!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

i understand protecting the president is important, but can't you do it a bit more quitely?

the large group of police, secret service, and now canine units stationed directly below my bedroom window seem to be having a good time. at any rate they're a noisy bunch.

don't they realize people like to sleep in on saturdays?

--i have no idea who the guy in the illinois jacket is.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Obama update.

mister channel 2 news guy gets denied!

no obama footage for you!

breaking news

the secret service is towing all the cars outside of Obama's place! i have to say, i'd be pretty pissed if my car was towed without any notice. (i know there's no notice, 'cause i live here and i didn't hear anything about all the cars parked on the street getting towed at 2am) dude, there's totally a reason presidents have always lived in gated communities; this 'living among the peeps' thing causes such trouble.

and why did they start towing at 2am? is this supposed to be sneaky or something? do they not want people to know their cars are being towed?

and this morning, of course, there's been a constant stream of people asking the cops, "dude, where's my car???"

Thursday, February 12, 2009

i. don't. care.

...there's a message board on the UT-law-accepted-students-site where current students and adviser-types answer questions. knowing i want to teach in china, i asked who i should write to to ask for a deferral for a year. a different prospective student piped in with: *omg! i'm doing to same program! oh how exciting! squeakidy squeak squeak! oh yay! china, eek!* (or something along those lines... i forget the exact wording)

so i reply with: yeah, it sounds pretty exciting. here's my e-mail, if you wanna chat a bit...

and today i get a massive e-mail from her detailing the 16 schools she applied to, how she's already been accepted to berkeley, the u of chicago, vanderbilt, ect. and how it's so hard to decide where she wants to go, and how she graduated last semester and is now interning in d.c. and teaching with kaplan, and blablabla...



...whatthefuck, bitch, really? ... that's just so. great. for. you.


more enjoyably, found some lovely birds today:
there were hundreds of crows flying around this afternoon. pretty neat.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

i was feeling a lot of hate for chicago this afternoon

... not a fan of cold rain.

i'm deciding on the best way to respond to this:

"I love to no you more please tell me about your self.

I have seen and i have liked and now i am falling i want you to get back to me as soon as you have received my message i like you a great deal and i want you to shear the same likeness with me if i can say i am beginning to love the face that i am seing can we be more than friends.

get back at me honey OKIS JD>"

i recently joined a Shenzhen message board, hoping to meet some potential friends and contacts before i arrive in the fall (i'm really doing this thing!... it still seems a little crazy.) i'm surprised that this is the only overt pass so far. i've found that anyone with ties to china tend to be... not particularly subtle. maybe it's a language thing?

despite the fact that JD's comment boils down to the basically the same thing as guys around chicago whistling out their car windows or shouting "hey honey, let me get your number, i wanna know you better!" i still find it a little cute. it's not like i want to meet the guy in person any time soon, but really, "I have seen and i have liked and now i am falling" awwww. isn't that just a tad endearing? besides, his picture wasn't too bad, either.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The snow is gone!

yay for higher temperatures, not so yay for giant puddles, although, there are occasional nice reflections.

i, too, have been affected by the recession. due to giant losses in its endowment, my university cut funding to its Neighborhood Schools Program, so all not-work-study employees are going to have their hours cut to only four a week. i've been working longer than that, but i guess i'll just have to be a wonderful person and call my extra hours volunteer work.

anyways, it's been an exciting couple weeks at the school where i work. we're almost done setting up a brand new computer lab! hope the kids don't rip it apart the first day it opens.

Monday, February 2, 2009

playful kitty

this is one of goose's and my favorite afternoon traditions.
the light is reflected off my laptop screen, which is on a spinning desk chair.

also, Max Stirner is ... densely confrontational. and if i had known the book was online earlier i could have saved $16.

same goes for Spencer! I really need to check before i buy these books.